Yesterday we successfully organized a #special #session on Zero Defect Manufacturing #ZDM at the #ISM2022 in Linz Austria ( ). In total 5 very interesting papers were presented. We also presented our latest research work related to a methodology developed for properly design and implement #ZDM. The developed methodology was designed to be #simple and #practical but at the same time capturing all the information required in order to be easy for the manufacturers to use it. Many times very good tools are not been used by the industrial domain because of the complexity and difficulty in #usage.
#Teamwork is the key towards #success. This resarch was conducted together with #prof Gokan May from the University of North Florida, USA.
Our paper was entitled "A practical guide for implementing Zero Defect Manufacturing in new or existing manufacturing systems" The paper is going to be published online in #openAccess form in the upcoming months by Elsevier Procedia Computer Science
The approach to achieving zero defects by using #Industry4 technologies is what constitutes Zero Defect Manufacturing (#ZDM). However, its implementation is not a simple task since it requires careful #design and new #methods. The current literature on zero defect manufacturing #lacks methods, tools, and guidelines for a successful shift toward ZDM implementation in manufacturing facilities aligned with the recent advancements in enabling technologies as well as #data-driven approaches and models. In this paper, we propose a step-by-step practical implementation guide for achieving zero defects in modern manufacturing facilities. While considering the links with various ZDM strategies, this guide can be applied to both new and existing production systems. The proposed method has been tested with an industrial example that concerns the manufacturing of an electronics board in the case of a European semiconductors manufacturer. We demonstrated, using this industrial example, that the multi-criteria approach that has been proposed may effectively evaluate the potential risk of defects for each stage of manufacturing and the extent to which ZDM adoption is required.
