We have just had a new paper published where we demonstrate a standardisable systems approach to modelling the process design data in engineering of process facilities. We have developed and demonstrated this approach on a real platform project in the North Sea, but to allow further development of ideas and validation of standards like #ISO15926 part 14,POSC Caesar Association #ISOIEC81346CFIHOSDEXPI Initiative and #readi we needed an open example. The Tennessee Eastman process was a good candidate for this. It will be supported by a website (watch this space!).
The approach uses a system breakdown based on the new ISO/IEC81346 Reference Designation System for Oil and Gas. We align this with DEXPI and CFIHOS. It uses aspect modelling ideas from #OntoCAPE and represents materials using principles from CO-LaN (CAPE-OPEN Laboratories Network)
It was a true #collaboratif work! Zero defect manufacturing ( #ZDM) was introduced to the #modeling procedure!